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Codeigniter Tutorial

Codeigniter is a framework and open source web development software that is use for building dynamic web applications.

· codeigniter tutorial,codeigniter,programming,Developing,framework

What is Codeigniter and How it Works?


Generally this happens that in order to build a web application people spend a lot of time in writing the same code again and again. And to overcome this problem the frameworks delivers a starting block and minimize the amount of the code that is needed to build a website.

CodeIgniter is basically a PHP driven framework but it is not be confused as the PHP’s substitute. Diving into the CodeIgniter doesn’t basically mean that the programmer is leaving PHP behind. The best way to learn the codeignitor is to learn online with the finest codeignitor tutorial on the web.

CodeIgniter basically contains the libraries, simple interface and logical structure in order to access these libraries, plug-ins, helpers and various other resources that are known to solve the complex functions of PHP efficiently and that helps in maintaining a high performance.

It generally simplifies the PHP code and boils it down to a fully interactive, dynamic website within a shorter time. It is known to support PHP version of 5.2.6 or newer and MySQL version 4.1 or upgraded. It basically makes y the web more robust and the code becomes very easier to read and maintain.

It is a free toolkit, light weight and easier to install and that makes it perfect material for the codeingiter tutorial for beginners. As we know that it is a free toolkit and it is light weight and extremely easy to install
The working of the CodeIgniter can be explained as it is basically an MVC framework.

MVC generally elaborates to the Model View Controller. Whenever a user requests a resource then the controller responds primarily and the controller reacts by understanding the user’s request then request the necessary data if needed.

Main Features of Codeigniter

There are various features of the codeigniter that are important and here are the few of them depicted below:

Small footprint

The complete source code for the CodeIgniter framework is nearly close to 2MB. This generally makes it extremely easy to master CodeIgniter and its working. It basically simplifies the deploying and updating it.

Blazing fast

CodeIgniter, basically can loads on average around less than 50ms that is quite good timing. The extra time that has been spent optimizing like is the case in another framework is generally freed up when the programmer is working with the CodeIgniter.

Loosely coupled

The built-in features of this are basically designed in order to work independently without relying totally on various other components. This feature basically makes it very easy to maintain and make the upgrades.

MVC Architecture

The framework of the codeigniter generally uses the Model-View-Controller architectural design. It is basically the industry standard practices whenever working with the web applications. MVC is known to separate the business logic, data, and presentation.


Before the programmers get online to learn their codeigniter tutorial it is recommended that if you are a beginner then you should opt for the codeingiter tutorial for beginners and should have already exposed to HTML, Core PHP, and Advance PHP.

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