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What is Codeigniter and How it Works?

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What is CodeIgniter?

CodeIgniter is a PHP MVC framework for creating applications rapidly. CodeIgniter provides out of the box libraries for linking to the database and performing various operations. Like sending emails, uploading files, handling sessions, etc..

CodeIgniter Features

Let us see some of the features which make CodeIgniter great. This list is not exhaustive but gives you an notion about what to expect when dealing with CodeIgniter.

Small footprint

The whole source code to get CodeIgniter frame is near 2MB. This makes it effortless to learn CodeIgniter and how it works. Additionally, it simplifies deploying and upgrading it.

Users have a tendency to prefer applications that load very fast. If you have worked with a few of the modern frameworks, then you are going to understand that they require less than one moment to load just after installation. CodeIgniter, you are able to heaps on average around less than 50ms. The extra time spent optimizing like is the situation in a different framework is freed up when you're working with CodeIgniter.

Loosely coupled

The built-in attributes are designed to operate independently without relying too much on other components. This makes it Simple to Keep and create updates

The frame employs the Model-View-Controller architectural design. It is industry standard practices when working with internet applications. MVC divides the data, business logic, and presentation.

The framework is well recorded, and there are great books, tutorials and replied forum queries on CodeIgniter. This implies whatever challenge that you have, chances are someone has already encountered the problem, solved it and the answer is out there for you.

Application specific built-in components:

CodeIgniter has components for sending email, database management, session management and a lot more as you may discover as we continue with the tutorials.

CodeIgniter comes with some libraries, and helpers out of the box. If what you want isn't there or you'd like to execute an existing attribute your own way. Then you can do so easily by creating your libraries, helpers, packages, etc..

CodeIgniter is easy to learn for anyone who is already knowledgeable about PHP. Within a very brief time, the student can start developing professional programs using CodeIgniter.

How CodeIgniter Works?

CodeIgniter is an MVC framework. MVC stands for Model View Controller. When an individual requests a resource, the controller reacts first. The control knows the user petition then ask the necessary info if necessary.

By way of example, if you would like to recover a client together with the id= 3, then the control will receive your petition, then ask the model to recover the record with the identification of 3. The version returns the record into the controller. The control then forwards the result to the view which formats it into a human-readable format. Then the results have been returned to the user in the browser.

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